
Wednesday 27 March 2019

Talend TAC Job Conductor Trigger details from database

Below is a simple query to retrieve “Job Conductor – Task – Trigger” details from the database tables associated to Talend Admin Center (TAC).

select as executiontask_id
,et."label" as task_name
,tt."label" as trigger_label
,tt.description as trigger_desc
, as trigger_active
,to_timestamp(t.next_fire_time/1000) as next_fire_time
,to_timestamp(t.prev_fire_time/1000) as prev_fire_time
,to_timestamp(t.start_time/1000) as start_time
,t.start_time / 1000 as start_time_seconds
,t.start_time as start_time_unix_milliseconds
from executiontask et
left join qrtz_triggers t on t.job_name = et.idquartzjob::varchar
left join qrtz_cron_triggers ct on ct.trigger_name = t.trigger_name
left join talendtrigger tt on ct.trigger_name = tt.idquartztrigger::varchar


Within the qrtz_cron_triggers table, the cron expression could look similar to

0 1,2,3 4,5,6 ? 4 2,3,4,5,6 2020

Note that there’s a space to help separate the difference parts of the cron expression

seconds:0 –this is always zero as the cron-scheduler within TALEND doesn’t have the functionality to set to the second.

days of month:? –this means it’ll run for every day in the month
month:4 –April = 4th month in the year
days of week (1 = Sunday):2,3,4,5,6 –this is for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  Friday


When Job Tasks are set up as a sequence, or have inter-relationships (parent child), or setup as some form of hierarchy within the EXECUTION PLAN CONSOLE, then these details can be viewed using the following query:

  etp."label"  as parent_task_name
,et."label" as child_task_name
,case when e.executionplanpart_parent_id is null then 'Header' else '' end as Header
, as executionplan_id
FROM public.executionplanpart e
left join executiontask et on = e.executiontask_task_id
left join executiontask etp on = e.executionplan_executionplan_id
order by e.executionplan_executionplan_id ,

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